Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Armor of God

Learning the Armor of God in Eph 6:12-17 may be made helpful by a visual or poem.  Please see the attached for an original poem as well as template to modge-podge on your own metalware or poster.

The Armor of God
With the Belt of Truth around your waist
You’re right on track and right in place
With the Breastplate of Righteousness on your chest
You’re cleansed by Christ, both healed and blessed
With the Shoes of the Gospel on your feet
You’re ready to witness to all you meet
With the Shield of Faith to cover all parts
You quench the wicked’s fiery darts
With the Helmet of Salvation on your head
You’re mind is by the Spirit-led
With the Sword of the Spirit in your hand
By the Word of God you take your stand.
Eph 6:12-17

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Jelly Beans and the Bible

One of the most popular and classic candies around Easter is the Jelly bean.  Using the traditional colors of the Jelly Beans, children and adults can recount the Easter Story or the Roman's Road (Bible verses about salvation).  This year I modge-podged my original poems and scriptures on a tin to retell, as well as secured the poem using plastic lace to easter eggs to pass out as treats.  See the below for a template to replicate.

Good News Jelly Beans
Black is for the Sin inside
Romans 3:23
Red is for the Blood of Christ
Romans 5:8
Purple is the Life of blessing
Romans 6:23
Pink is the Tongue confessing
Romans 10:13
White is Faith making pure
Romans 10:9
Green is Growing up mature
Romans 12:1
Orange is the Spirit’s Flame
Romans 14:17
Yellow is for Heaven’s Lane.
Romans 8:11

“Everyone who calls on the
Name of the Lord will be saved.”
Happy Easter!

The Colors of Easter
Green is for the Palm Leaves lifted
(John 12:12-13)
Yellow is for the Perfume gifted
(Matt 26:6-13)
Purple is for the Wine friends shared
(Matt 26:27-28)
Orange is for the Torch that flared
(John 18:1-3)
Red is for the Wounds of Blood
(John 19:18)
Black is for the Dark above
(Matt 27:45)
White is for the Linen Clothes.
(Matt 29:59-60)
Pink is for the Dawn’s First Glow.
(Matt 28:1-6)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dollhouse Styles

Where do you begin when selecting a dollhouse?  I would suggest determining which style you want.  Typically it is best to decide based on your current taste and how you decorate in your full scale house.  Are you country, modern, colonial, medieval, Victorian or oriental in your decor style?  Also keep in mind if you are looking for a replica, a character-themed house, a kit, or custom-made.  Do you want a half inch or an inch to scale house?  As a warning an inch to scale dollhouse takes up lots of space unless it is collapsable.  Here are some ideas of some for-sale dollhouses and some that will probably never leave a museum case.  Perhaps one day I will check out Colleen Moore's famous Fairy Castle located in Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry (around 9 feet tall).

Christian Art

They say a picture is worth 1000 words.  Art tells a story.  It can take you to another time and place.  What better kind of art can you find than something that brings you closer to Jesus?  Here are a few examples that would look great as a room or foyer focal point.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Egg-citing Eggs

We are nearing Easter so time to start thinking about decorating eggs.  The cheap quick route would be a simple kit with dye tablets, stickers and or sleeves.  To go up a notch, one can hand paint their eggs and add ribbon.  Still better try to look at some elaborate Russian decorative eggs and make a replica. Using wooden or porcelain eggs with a layer of modge podge or protective lacquer will assure for use beyond one season.  Are the wheels turning yet?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fruit arrangements

I can remember seeing a pricey fruit arrangement and thinking to myself how easy it would be to make.  Although these centerpieces are fairly simple to make, it is time consuming.  This should not be a deterrent because they are a healthy, colorful and sweet party delight.  Most fruit arrangements center around fruit balled or cut out with cookie cutters on skewers in a bed of fresh greenery, floral foam and a themed pot. 
More interesting to me are the arrangements that are made into an occasional theme itself without getting into the super detailed carving.  See some of the ones I like below.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Resurrection Eggs

To assist those wishing to make Resurrection Eggs, I have included some pictures with a Template that includes my original Resurrection Egg Poem to be used when opening the eggs along with reading corresponding Scriptures.

Resurrection Eggs (to be read with 12 objects in 12 plastic eggs)
1 Smell this perfume rich and sweet; Mary poured it on Jesus’ feet. 
(Matthew 26:6-7)
2 Hear these coins clink that I hold; for 30 silver pieces Christ was sold. 
(Matthew 26:14-15)
3  Wave this palm leaf green and bright, the crowds did also to worship Christ. 
 (John 12:12-13)
4 Taste this bread, crisp with no yeast; Jesus shared with his friends one last feast.
(Matthew 26:26-28)

5 Look at these thorns, pointed and brown, which made our Savior’s earthly crown. 

(John 19:1-3)

6 Feel this cross both rugged and rough; Our Lord carried it, bruised and crushed.

 (John 19:16-17)

7 This nail is sharp and cold to touch; it pierced the hands and feet of Jesus.

(John 19:18-19)

8 Shake these dice, give them a throw; the soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ robe. 
(Luke 23:34)

9 This sponge of vinegar smells strong; it was given to Christ to drink upon.

(John 19:29-30)

10 Take in the aroma of fragrant cloves; the body of Christ was embalmed in those. 

(John 19:38-40)

11Hold this stone hard and gray; it covered the tomb where Jesus laid. 

(Matthew 27:59-60)
12 Feel this linen so soft and smooth.  Jesus arose and his grave clothes were proof. 

(John 20:1-8)

To begin, I painted a cardboard egg carton and modge-podged lettering and stickers on the top as decoration.

Next I stenciled decorative plastic eggs with numbers 1-12 and filled them with the appropriate items: Perfume sample, 3 dimes, a leaf, oyster cracker, toothpicks or thorns, cross from necklace or other, nail, dice, sponge dipped in vinegar, cloves, stone, linen or gauze.

Finally I printed and copied out my Template to be cut, and modge-podged/glued inside the egg carton.  The circles to go where the eggs are placed, and the rectangles on the inside top, 2 left and 2 right.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lent--Countdown to Easter

One of my favorite Christmas traditions I have is the countdown via advent calendar.  The anticipation for the holiday reached a huge climax after days of opening the little windows and waiting for number 24. In the same way, I believe Easter is more meaningful with an organized countdown during lent. Lent is typically the 40 days before Easter and is a time for reflection of the suffering and resurrection of Christ. There are many creative traditions to adopt for this time of meditation including adding a thorn to Jesus crown, a coin for almsgiving, or opening an egg with a scripture, these are ways to make Easter a season and to focus on the Savior.

I created my own Lenten Meditation called the Lent Event.  The Template may be copied.  Each day one line of the poem is read along with a scripture.  You may cut out the colorful corresponding pictures to add to the 40 day countdown page.  Here are the words of the poem:

The Lent Event R Kohn 2013

1 A donkey untied gave Jesus a ride. 
2 Palm leaves touted while people shouted. 
3 Tables tossed as Christ cleaned His house. 
4 Children praised when the Sick were raised.
5  The Fig tree was booed for it had no fruit. 
6 Christ wished to defend his own like a hen. 
7 Perfume was poured as a gift to the Lord. 
8  With silver coins paid, Judas betrayed.
9 A towel to clean Christ used on friend’s feet.
10 Bread was broken, as Christ’s body a token.
11 The Cup of Wine, for His Blood divine. 
12 They finished their food and all sang a tune. 
13 An Olive grove, the place He strove. 
14 His sweat turned to blood, while Christ spoke to God. 
15 Friends sawing Zs, fall to sleep. 
16 A torch in the night, things did not feel right. 
17 A kiss from a friend, brought Him to his end. 
18 Peter had fear and sliced a man’s ear. 
19 He warmed by the fire, to see what transpired. 
20 Three times denied, then a rooster cried. 
21 Wash hands in water, the guilt may not bother. 
22 A whip with lead, Christ’s back was shred. 
23 A purple robe, guards made a show. 
24 Thorns formed a crown, on His head pressed down.
25  A scepter-reed, in jest bowed knees.
26 A cross large and rough, to carry was tough.
27 Women cried tears, they followed near. 
28 Skull Hill in vision, this was His mission.
29 Nails went in, though He did not sin.
 30 Dice were thrown, to win His robe.
31 Up went the sign, His title defined. 
32 The sun ceased light, darkness veiled sight. 
33 A sponge was raised, with vinegar to taste.
34 In went the spear, the fluid was clear.
35 The curtain rent, where only priests went. 
36 The earth quaked, saints rose from the grave. 
37 They wrapped him in linen, this was a given.
38 A Rock was rolled, the tomb enclosed. 
39 Spices were fixed, to embalm Jesus with. 
40 An angel appeared, to say “He’s not here.” 

To finalize your countdown, you can rehab a perpetual calendar with paint and modge podge.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vintage Board games

If you are ever bored, peruse your local goodwill or Amazon for some vintage board games.  I was sad to see some web searches labeled the games I played and have from the 90s as vintage.  To clear things up I looked up standard definitions of antique and vintage.  Antique means 100 years old or more while vintage would be at least 20 years old.  So vintage should finish in 1993 making the searches correct.  For instance Touring England came out in 1935 and you can find now on Amazon for around 15$.  The antique game I would like to aquire is The New Pilgrims Progress from 1893.   Do you recognize or still play any of these games in any version?
See list of vintage games
See article for era terms defined

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Whatever happened to murals?

I remember my aunt and uncle having a photo mural in their living room of a woodsy fall scene.  For a while I have noticed very few people use murals, wallpaper murals or wallpaper anymore.  I think this is a shame because decorating is all about different patterns and people limit themselves when they simply paint a room.  There has been a rise in the use of wall decals for phrases and symbols, but I feel these are very tacky.  The one downside of wallpaper and murals is they are tedious to replace (unless applying to or painting on removable frames), so make sure it is something you don't mind seeing for a long time. 
Hand painted murals may be expensive if hiring.  There are tutorials for simple techniques like marbling.  A wall or ceiling can be made to look like anything including stained glass, tapestry, a skyline, a window to outside or a vintage choose.  Check out some pics of simple wall and ceiling murals some of which you can find as wallpaper.

Towel and Diaper Cakes

If you haven't noticed, towel and diaper cakes are now expanding to a new level.  Now the focus seems to be on a theme.  For bath time is it simply a pamper-me set or does the recipient have a favorite character, hobby, or team we can work with?  In the kitchen do we want a food, drink or decor theme?  Do we have towels for another purpose other than the home such as sports, car care, or travel that would inspire a different theme or items?
Of particular surprise to me is the popularity of all things towel and washcloth including parfaits, sushi, animals and coffee.  One of my favorites is the sucker made out of two washcloths and an emery board.  These would make great stocking stuffers or party favors.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Royalty for a day

Do you ever think about what it would be like to be royalty for a day?  Through this collage and some imagination you can enter the Grand Reception Hall of Windsor Castle or The Royal Audience Room of Linderhof Palace.

Need a Clue?

I always loved the details of Victorian furnishing, trim, and gingerbread.  Every detail speaks of luxury and lavish expense.  Here are some rooms from that era.  Can you guess which room is which?  Hint:  Think of the game   "Clue".

Desert Centerpieces

There's nothing more exciting for kids and adults at a party than an sugary edible centerpiece.  Not only does it provide a conversation starter but a snack starter and possible substitute for favors.  Wrapped candy may be preferrable for those concerned about germs.