Sunday, March 10, 2013

Resurrection Eggs

To assist those wishing to make Resurrection Eggs, I have included some pictures with a Template that includes my original Resurrection Egg Poem to be used when opening the eggs along with reading corresponding Scriptures.

Resurrection Eggs (to be read with 12 objects in 12 plastic eggs)
1 Smell this perfume rich and sweet; Mary poured it on Jesus’ feet. 
(Matthew 26:6-7)
2 Hear these coins clink that I hold; for 30 silver pieces Christ was sold. 
(Matthew 26:14-15)
3  Wave this palm leaf green and bright, the crowds did also to worship Christ. 
 (John 12:12-13)
4 Taste this bread, crisp with no yeast; Jesus shared with his friends one last feast.
(Matthew 26:26-28)

5 Look at these thorns, pointed and brown, which made our Savior’s earthly crown. 

(John 19:1-3)

6 Feel this cross both rugged and rough; Our Lord carried it, bruised and crushed.

 (John 19:16-17)

7 This nail is sharp and cold to touch; it pierced the hands and feet of Jesus.

(John 19:18-19)

8 Shake these dice, give them a throw; the soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ robe. 
(Luke 23:34)

9 This sponge of vinegar smells strong; it was given to Christ to drink upon.

(John 19:29-30)

10 Take in the aroma of fragrant cloves; the body of Christ was embalmed in those. 

(John 19:38-40)

11Hold this stone hard and gray; it covered the tomb where Jesus laid. 

(Matthew 27:59-60)
12 Feel this linen so soft and smooth.  Jesus arose and his grave clothes were proof. 

(John 20:1-8)

To begin, I painted a cardboard egg carton and modge-podged lettering and stickers on the top as decoration.

Next I stenciled decorative plastic eggs with numbers 1-12 and filled them with the appropriate items: Perfume sample, 3 dimes, a leaf, oyster cracker, toothpicks or thorns, cross from necklace or other, nail, dice, sponge dipped in vinegar, cloves, stone, linen or gauze.

Finally I printed and copied out my Template to be cut, and modge-podged/glued inside the egg carton.  The circles to go where the eggs are placed, and the rectangles on the inside top, 2 left and 2 right.

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