Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Armor of God

Learning the Armor of God in Eph 6:12-17 may be made helpful by a visual or poem.  Please see the attached for an original poem as well as template to modge-podge on your own metalware or poster.

The Armor of God
With the Belt of Truth around your waist
You’re right on track and right in place
With the Breastplate of Righteousness on your chest
You’re cleansed by Christ, both healed and blessed
With the Shoes of the Gospel on your feet
You’re ready to witness to all you meet
With the Shield of Faith to cover all parts
You quench the wicked’s fiery darts
With the Helmet of Salvation on your head
You’re mind is by the Spirit-led
With the Sword of the Spirit in your hand
By the Word of God you take your stand.
Eph 6:12-17

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